
Baylor Foundation Malawi is a not-for-profit organization working in partnership with the Malawi Government in the Health Sector. 
Baylor Foundation Malawi is the implementing partner of the Texas Children’s Global Health Network in Malawi. The Network was created by BIPAI in 1999 to catalyze pediatric and family HIV care and treatment and health professional training. 


To provide high-quality, high-impact, highly ethical pediatric and family-centered healthcare, health professional training and clinical research, focused on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, malnutrition and other conditions impacting the health and well-being of children and families worldwide committed to improving the health and lives of children and families globally.


A healthy and fulfilled life for every child and their family.

Malawi Placeholder

2020 Highlights

Managed to secure funding from ActionAid Malawi under the Joint TB/HIV Global Fund Grant, on Adolescent Girls and Young Women programing to be implemented in six districts.

Baylor Foundation Malawi - COE was officially recertified as a sexually-transmitted infection (STI) clinic by the Malawi MoH and continue to provide VIA for cervical cancer screening.

A unique partnership between Texas Children’s Global HOPE, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd and Direct Relief (a humanitarian aid organization) brought medicines to help improve the lives of children with cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa. This initiative has been piloted in Malawi.

Baylor Foundation Malawi achieved the following milestones between July 1, 2019 – to June 30, 2020

Clients to a Dolutegravir (DTG) based regimen at the Centre of Excellence (COE), which is likely to improve adherence to medication and consequently increase viral load suppression among our clients.
Ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) from UNICEF through the Ministry of Health and 12,000 packets of corn soya blend (Vitameal) from Feed the Children used to treat clients with severe acute malnutrition and moderate acute malnutrition, respectively.
Long-lasting insecticidal-treated nets to COE clients as one of the key tools for malaria vector control.
Conducted play therapy sessions with 4,010 children and conducted education sessions for 2,940 children at the KCH paediatric ward.
Reached out to 87 mothers against the annual target of 60 mothers representing 145% increase
Diagnosed more than 300 children with childhood cancer and hematological diseases.
Trained more than 350 health workers in various district hospitals and health centers across Malawi on early recognition of paediatric cancer.
Tested 2.4 million clients for HIV, and notified 65,000 of a positive HIV test result and over initiated over 64,000 clients on lifesaving ART through the Tingathe program.
A follow-on five-year care and treatment program designed to support client-oriented care to achieve HIV epidemic control in 95 health facilities in 6 districts including Phalombe, Machinga, Mangochi, Balaka, Salima and the COE in Lilongwe.
Care and Treatment
The Baylor Malawi Children’s Clinical Center of Excellence, or Baylor Malawi COE, is the largest provider of paediatric HIV Care and treatment services in Malawi.
The Baylor foundation Malawi COE leads HIV testing at Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH) through its provider initiated Testing and Counselling (PITC) programme, which tested 18,638 clients during the 2018-2019 reporting period.

“Actually, I never thought I would
work as a cervical cancer nurse in
my life. I just took cervical cancer
screening as part of an activity,
not something I could do on daily
basis. As I started the daily
screening, I realized that it’s not
just about the personal liking of
the job, but the job itself that
grew the passion in me.

“Actually, I never thought I would
work as a cervical cancer nurse in
my life. I just took cervical cancer
screening as part of an activity,
not something I could do on daily
basis. As I started the daily
screening, I realized that it’s not
just about the personal liking of
the job, but the job itself that
grew the passion in me.

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