Call for Abstracts

Achieving global health equity: Focusing on evidence-based innovations, program and research

For RAISE2023 Symposium, you may submit abstracts under the following subtopics;

Maternal and Child health



Pandemics and Global health

Healthy equity

Quality improvement

Abstract submission deadline is 5th May, 2023

Inquiries and submissions: jmhango@baylorfoundationmalawi.org

Baylor Foundation Malawi RAISE symposium 2022 Pictorial Focus

On 20th May, 2022, Baylor Malawi held its first ever Research Art Innovation Scholarship Education(RAISE) symposium, at the Sunbird Lilongwe Hotel.

This was aimed at catalyzing the exchange of ideas through a showcase of innovative abstracts and interactive sessions.

It was also meant to enhance education and research skills among staff from all Baylor Malawi service lines and stakeholders.

The theme of this event was “evidence based and client centered healthcare service; Gateway to good Health and fulfilled Life.”

On the left is the pictorial focus rounding up the event.